Tokyo Yamate Culinary College




Mr. Kimihiko Osumi, the official chef of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, was on stage! (Global seminar)

Hello everyone 😊

AlwaysTOKYO YAMANOTEThank you for visiting my blog! !

Only second-year students of the general cooking course can chooseIntroducing the + α seminar ✨

"Management seminar""Nutrition Innovation Seminar""global seminarYou can choose one of them and take a lecture!

This time from among them "global seminar🌍

At the global seminar held on June 6th (Monday),

"here and now"Mr. Kimihiko OhsumiWe invited you to teach us how to cook Kamo eggplant Jibuni and horse mackerel rice cooked in a kiln!

Mr. Ohsumi as the Official Residence Chefsouth america boliviawas active at the embassy of 🇧🇴

The official residence chef is a chef who works at the local embassy.

The official residence chef's job is to prepare the Ambassador's breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

Sometimes serving 1000 servings of food at entertainment and parties💪

chef of the official residenceAbout workAnd thenHow to convey the appeal of Japanese cuisine to people from other countries,Ohsumi's dreamI heard a lot of things like this!

and each studentBeing able to communicate closely with the guest chef is also a feature of the + α seminar.☺️

I received one-on-one time for technical guidance, and I was able to cook delicious jibuni and grill!

Through Mr. Ohsumi's experiences in Bolivia, I was able to learn how interesting it is to work abroad🇧🇴

"global seminar”, you can hear real stories from teachers who are active all over the world.

By all means, everyone is a second-year student in the general cooking course, "global seminar"Why don't you take it?" ?

Open campus is being held in Tokyo Yamate 😊

If you are interested in the open campus, click the screen below


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