Tokyo Yamate Culinary College




Halal Food Japan Association (Global Seminar)

Hello everyone 😊

AlwaysTOKYO YAMANOTEThank you for visiting my blog! !

Only second-year students of the general cooking course can chooseIntroducing the + α seminar ✨

"Management seminar""Nutrition Innovation Seminar""global seminarYou can choose one of them and take a lecture!

among them"global seminar🌍

In this global seminar,

"Halal Food Japan Association"Toki sensei and Tim senseiWe invite you toGreen curry""Tandoori chicken” was taught!

Mr. Toki of ALL English is explaining the lessons while Mr. Toki of ALL English is interpreting.

Well, everyone"halal food"do you know what is

Halal food refers to foods that are allowed to be eaten according to the teachings of Muslims.

*"Muslim" is a common name for Muslims.

For Muslims, food is"What you can eat""What not to eat"is defined in detail🌟

We will take a thorough lecture about halal and understand it.



And when I say halal, I think some people think of “Halal certification”.

Currently, it is said that there are more than 300 halal certification bodies in the world.

This time, we practiced using ingredients with this certification mark.

Halal certifiedThe students who have never paid attention to products recognized as halal in their daily lives, even these products are halal-certified.And a surprising scene!! !!

And for halal food, we are making a dish called "green curry" using coconut milk.

Add green chili pepper paste to adjust the spiciness, which is also a feature of green curry. 🔥😆

You can directly check the seasoning condition, and you will be taught points and presentation.


Recently, things that we could never have imagined happened on a global scale, and the food and beverage industry is changing!

Mr. Toki strongly said that the shop will not be able to survive in the future unless it assumes every possible situation. ️


Learning from different perspectivesknowledge,TechnologyI'm going to deepen 🎵✍️

In this way, tastes change depending on foreign food cultures and regions, so in addition to training cooking skills, it is also possible to cover details such as what kind of taste is preferred that cannot be understood through classroom lectures alone. I can 😯

and each studentBeing able to communicate closely with the guest chef is also a feature of the + α seminar.☺️

"global seminar”, you can hear real stories from teachers who are active all over the world.

By all means, everyone is a second-year student in the general cooking course, "global seminar"Why don't you take it?" ?

Open campus is being held in Tokyo Yamate 😊

If you are interested in the open campus, click the screen below


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