Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College




A must-see for open campus participants from afar!

Hello everyone 😊
AlwaysTOKYO YAMANOTEThank you for visiting my blog! !

This time, I am about to decide my courseHigh school third graderGreat valueNotice of information!

Isn't there a lot of people who are thinking about going to Tokyo to go on to a vocational school?
“I want to go to Tokyo, but in order to participate in the open campus, transportation and accommodation costs will be required…”
"I want to live alone, but I'm worried about what it's really like"

We will carry out a campaign that can solve both problems!

-Subsidy for transportation expenses
[Target] Third-year high school students who are participating for the first time (those who live outside of Tokyo and three prefectures)
[Amount] Up to 1 yen

・Student apartmentfree nightsExperience (will end as soon as the reservation is filled)
[Target] Open campus participants of our school
[Price] Free

~ How to apply ~
➀Register on the official LINE of our school
(XNUMX) Send "Transportation expense assistance request"
③Enrollment advisors will respond

9 AprilIt will be a campaign until now, so hurry up!

Official LINE registration from the image below ↓

Click the image below for the open campus you care about☝

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画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: 387508F6-8E71-4E02-BB6C-543964B059A1-1024x579-1.jpeg

[Tokyo Yamate Cooking College]

158-0081-8 Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 19-19

[Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College]

150-0044 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 28-5

Japanese cuisine Western cuisine Chinese food

Confectionery Cafe Chocolatier Bakery bridalvocational school of

[Enrollment General Information]
