For Personnel and Recruiters
You can apply for current students and alumni.
Students from all over the country hope to find employment in various fields related to "food" after graduation.Job postings are also always disclosed to graduates through the school's dedicated app.
If you are a new graduate or mid-career and are planning to apply for a job, please follow the instructions below.We are also looking for part-time jobs while in school.
(Please inquire about internships, short-term part-time jobs, and on-campus company information sessions.)
job application
Thank you very much for your continued patronage regarding the employment of Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College students.
Every year at our school, we train professionals who can play an active role in the field through training in small groups of Japanese, Western, Chinese, and confectionery bakers.
Whether you are a new graduate or mid-career, if you are planning to hire someone at your company, please send a job posting to our school.
You can choose from two ways to register for job postings: "Online" or "Fax/Mail".
Register job posting online
At our school, we have introduced a professional job hunting platform "Career Map".This system allows you to enter detailed information about your company, such as the latest company information and the status of alumni who are active in your company.
Registration of job postings by fax or mail
Please download the PDF below and contact us from each desired registration method.
FAX | 03-3770-6007 |
Mailing | 〒150-0044 28-5 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College Career Support Section |
Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College ecole_shibuya@yamanote.ac.jp |
Contact |