Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College

Cooking and confectionery class


Confectionery hygienistClasses


1-year system


  • Point1短期間で製菓の基本と応用技術を習得でする

  • Point21年目の秋にはショップ運営ができる実力

  • Point3製菓衛生師受験資格を取得

[Available qualifications]

【国家資格】 製菓衛生師受験資格 【国家資格】 菓子製造技能士2級受験資格 【国家資格】 パン製造技能士2級受験資格

Dietary education instructor/vegetable sommelier/athlete food meister


Confectionery Hygienist Course

Basic practice

1 person 1 product training

A training course in which you complete all steps by yourself, from measuring to decorating. You can see the progress of your technology.

routine training

We will practice basic skills such as squeezing cream, peeling oranges, and chocolate pens.

Check test

Each worker checks to see if they can make basic products such as sponge dough and cream puffs.

Major training

Choose one from three genres to hone your expertise.
Classes will be held inviting head chefs from hotels and restaurants.

Patissier Major

Make complex cakes that combine multiple ingredients such as mousse, puff pastry, and chocolate.

Boulanger Major

We make bread that is loved all over the world, including Germany, France, America, Denmark, and Japan.

Chocolatier Major

Learn about cacao beans and basic tempering to make various chocolate sweets.

Professional practice

Learn the skills to produce and cook in the same environment as professionals, and eliminate the gap between you and the workplace.

shop training

Operates a real patisserie on campus. Approximately 30 types of products are manufactured in units of 100. Learn time management and teamwork through mass manufacturing.


Work experience at your dream hotel or patisserie/restaurant. Through this 10-day experience, you will have a clearer picture of your future self.

1st year timetable example

For you who want to become a chef

From Japanese cuisine to Western cuisine to Chinese cuisine, we train professionals who can play an active role in the field under small-group training.