Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College

Cooking and confectionery class

pastry chef master



1-year system


[Available qualifications]

【国家資格】 調理師免許証 【国家資格】 専門調理師免許・調理技能士※


*Requires 6 years of work experience after graduation. If you pass the technical examination while enrolled in school, you will be exempted from the written examination.


cooking department

Basic practice

1 person 1 product training

A training course in which you complete all steps by yourself, from measuring to cooking to serving. You can see the progress of your technology.

routine training

Students will repeatedly practice basic skills for first-year field work, focusing on cutting vegetables.

Check test

We check that each child can make basic egg dishes such as cutting vegetables, making omelets, and making dashi rolls.

Major training

Classes will be held inviting head chefs from hotels and restaurants.

Japanese cuisine major

日本料理ならではの四季折々の食材を使い、会席・割烹・創作料理など幅 広く学ぶ。

Western cuisine major

Learn and put into practice knowledge of Western ingredients, how to make dashi, and the structure of course meals.

cafe major

Learn about a wide range of drink menus and cafe-style arrangements for dishes and sweets.

Professional practice

Learn the skills to produce and cook in the same environment as professionals, and eliminate the gap between you and the workplace.

banquet training

The most popular class among students. We take turns cooking lunch for all students. Learn how to cook in bulk, which is essential for hotels and restaurants.

restaurant training

Practical training for all restaurant processes. You will be responsible for everything from menu planning, preparation the day before, cooking and service on the day of the event, and will gain immediate skills.

1st year timetable example

For you who want to become a chef

From Japanese cuisine to Western cuisine to Chinese cuisine, we train professionals who can play an active role in the field under small-group training.