Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College




Patisserie Collioure Sous Chef Special Class

everyone! Hello 😊

AlwaysYAMANOTEThank you for visiting my blog!

Today, students in their second year of the general confectionery course took a class taught by a special instructor!

This time's special lecturer was a winner of the Grand Prix at the Japan Cake Show Tokyo, Japan's largest art exhibition.I'm Mariko Sunaga, sous chef of Patisserie "Colioure"! ! !

This is the first time since the Japan Cake Show began that a piece decorated with marzipan has won the Grand Prix! !

Marzipanis a Western confectionery made from almonds and sugar, and in Japan it is often used as a cake decoration!

In this class,rosemaking a dogchallenged!

Everyone does each task carefully. Detailed and delicate work requires patience and concentration.

Working with marzipan is very difficult, and some students were so serious about it that they thought they might hurt their backs! !

It may be difficult to make it into the shape you imagined, but the result will be a work that is full of each person's individuality!

Both the rose and the dog are so cute😳💓

At our school, we try making marzipan in our first year class.Practical learning from professional chefsis to dofirst time!

I think I was able to learn more advanced techniques😆

At our school, we have a number of special instructors working with us throughout the year to provide practical lessons in each class!

You can hone your skills every day by learning techniques from active chefs and pastry chefs.

I would like to utilize what I learned in this class in my future practical training.

I want to visit a real class and actually experience it!Click the image below☟

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[Tokyo Yamate Cooking College]

158-0081-8 Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 19-19

[Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College]

150-0044 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 28-5

Japanese cuisine Western cuisine Chinese food

Confectionery Cafe Chocolatier Bakery bridalvocational school of

[Enrollment General Information]
