Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College




Summer study club week🌺

Hello everyone!

AlwaysYAMANOTEThank you for reading my blog 😊

The rainy season is over and summer has arrived! ! 🥵

It's hot every day, but the fun summer vacation is just around the corner ✨✨

YAMANOTE has prepared some fun projects to make your summer vacation a wonderful one! !

Summer research club week

It will be held for 8 days from August 12th (Friday) to August 14th (Sunday)!

On the first day,8/12 (Friday) Team Lurian!

Members of YAMANOTE's representative student Lulian, who always support the open campus,

We will have a cake design competition 🔥

On the daypeach roll cakeNot only can you experience it, but you might even be able to eat a cake designed by Lulian! ?

8/13 (Sat) Amezaiku Research Club!

YAMANOTE has a candy making research department 🍭

A candy making show by the gold medal winners at the candy making competition and students from the candy making training club!

You can make such beautiful works with candy! ! It's like glass ✨

It's sure to be a special day where you can enjoy technology that you can't usually see! ?

On this day, you can try making rare mango cheesecake 🥭

How about a summer cake that is irresistible for mango lovers? ?

August 8th (Sunday) will be the last day of Research Week.

Team chef pastry chef!

A special extracurricular activity that only students of the general confectionery department can participate in🌼

A luxurious buffet of cakes devised so far by an elite team aiming to develop products of a higher rank!

Look forward to various types of cakes such as cream puffs, shortcakes, and cheesecakes 💓

Let's have fun making summer parfaits and enjoy the buffet😆✨

We hope you all look forward to the 3-day research club week!

In addition to that day, we also have melon shortcake, mango tart, salmon salmon roe bowl, and meat sushi!

YAMANOTE's open campus is the only place where you can make cakes and other dishes that are difficult to make at home! !

We look forward to seeing you 😳❤️

I want to visit a real class and actually experience it!Click the image below☟

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[Tokyo Yamate Cooking College]

158-0081-8 Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 19-19

[Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College]

150-0044 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 28-5

Japanese cuisine Western cuisine Chinese food

Confectionery Cafe Chocolatier Bakery bridalvocational school of

[Enrollment General Information]
