Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College




Special Class ~Morii Patissiere~

Hello everyone!

AlwaysYAMANOTEThank you for reading my blog!

Today we will be introducing you to a special class for 2nd year confectionery students! 👀

As a special lecturer,

Balni Barbi NEW LIGHT

Chef Pastry Chef Morii 

Thank you for coming! !

Chef Morii is in charge of the restaurant's desserts, and is particularly good at making Hachette Desserts.

Hachette Dessert means "plated dessert" and is different from the desserts that can be taken out.It is a dessert that thrills all five senses and can only be enjoyed at the moment it is served.

Did you know that more and more shops are offering Hachette Dessert as a course? 😳

Chef Morii is a pastry chef who has been making hachette desserts in courses even before the number of such shops increased! 👩‍🍳

This time, we had two recipes taught by Chef Morii in class!

Click here for this time's menu!

①Mango and coconut curry dessert

②Melon and matcha dessert

As for the mango and coconut curry dessert in the first photo, is it curry for dessert? There are many people who thought so!

"Unforgettable"Chef Mori's style is to pursue new stimulation and discoveries based on the theme.

Deliciousness is the main premise, and we think of interesting combinations that are obvious, not just taste.

In addition to sweets, we also incorporate spices, herbs, and vegetables into our desserts.😳

He also advises students to try out unique and surprising combinations when coming up with recipes.

A very valuable opportunity to learn directly the recipes of pastry chefs who are active at the top of the industry ✨

The students seemed to be concentrating on Chef Morii's talk while taking notes.

In addition, One of Chef Morii's commitments is to focus on making his dishes look cute while also being conscious of eliminating waste.

The melons used in the melon and matcha dessert were cut into cute round shapes!

Cut off the excess and reuse!

It will be used as a sauce for the shaved ice offered at the store.

I could see that they were always conscious of food loss measures even during their training!

Food loss countermeasures are a priority at our school. At YAMANOTE, we use compost to return vegetable scraps to the soil and use them as fertilizer! We are also using the fertilizer to grow herbs within the school ☺️

This is part of our SDGs initiatives.

Hachette desserts can only be enjoyed for a moment, and part of the fun is the performance and presentation!

this time too, Production using liquid nitrogenI learned about it!

During the training, Chef Morii goes around each table and teaches tips!

One of the characteristics of YAMANOTE is the closeness to the teacher👩‍🍳

Many second year students are job hunting! It was an intense 2 hours with Chef Morii giving us advice on job hunting!

Thank you Chef Morii for your hard work!

YAMANOTE holds classes taught by many special instructors throughout the year!

We have both traditional and young chefs in attendance! 😳

In the class, you can learn as much as possible from traditional to cutting-edge technology.

If you would like to know more, please come to our open campus!

I want to visit a real class and actually experience it!Click the image below☟

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[Tokyo Yamate Cooking College]

158-0081-8 Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 19-19

[Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College]

150-0044 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 28-5

Japanese cuisine Western cuisine Chinese food

Confectionery Cafe Chocolatier Bakery bridalvocational school of

[Enrollment General Information]
