Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College




Make it every day~2nd day~💪

Hello everyone!

AlwaysYAMANOTEThank you for reading my blog 😊

Our students do practical training every day 🍰

todayFirst-year confectionery general course students:putter genoiseWe practiced making one for each person! !


Sponge cake used for shortcakes and roll cakes

A mixer is used on site and in regular training, but this time we did not use a mixer to make the first dough.

I made it by hand from scratch.

Doughs made with a mixer can be made with a finer texture than those made by hand.

In order to learn the differences between these fabrics, our school offers a class in which first-year students make their own fabrics.

It looks like he is seriously taking notes on the teacher's demonstration 🌸

First, let's start with the measurements!

We all work together to carefully measure each item one by one to get a feel for the work.

After that, move on to the mixing process!

Mix until the dough is whitish and thick and leaves traces.

Everyone tried their best even though their arms hurt✨✨

Pour the batter into the mold and bake at 170° for 23 minutes.

The students were so excited when they saw the beautifully baked dough💓

The students worked hard on their practical training while talking to each other and checking the next process!

Through this class, I think you were able to realize how difficult it is to prepare and the value of a mixer!

At our school, we not only watch, but also repeat the practical training that we make ourselves every day.

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The temperature has been rising rapidly recently, so everyone please take care of your health! !

Next week, April 4th (Sunday), a pre-college class will be held for third-year high school students❗️

We are still accepting reservations, so we look forward to your participation! !

We have many other events planned 😄

If you would like to know more about school activities, events, and classes, please visit our open campus!

Click here to make a reservation ⇩

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[Tokyo Yamate Cooking College]

158-0081-8 Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 19-19

[Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College]

150-0044 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 28-5

Japanese cuisine Western cuisine Chinese food

Confectionery Cafe Chocolatier Bakery bridalvocational school of

[Enrollment General Information]
