Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College




Online job guidance!

Hello everyone!

AlwaysYAMANOTEThank you for reading my blog 😊

There are only 2 months left until the new year 😳

Our school has an event held around this time every year.

This is a joint company briefing session!

YAMANOTEJob hunting begins in the first year, so students can smoothly start their full-fledged job hunting in the second year.

Normally, we ask people from companies to come to the school and give explanations, but this year, in order to prevent coronavirus infection.Online implementationIt became👨‍💻

We will be providing explanations online to about 1 companies a day.

This will be held for one week, so a total of about 1 companies will participate.You can listen to the explanation of the work.

On the first day, training will be held in the morning, and company information will start in the afternoon!

During the training, there will be lectures on where to start, the flow of job hunting, and tips.Receive.

In the afternoon briefing session, various companies are explained in 30-minute increments, so students choose only the companies they like and receive explanations☺️

For example, students who are interested in hotels can listen to explanations focusing on hotels, and students who have not yet narrowed down their genre can see a variety of companies in a variety of industries.👀

There was time for questions at the end of each session, and students were seen actively asking questions.

This joint company information session is mainly attended by companies where our school's graduates are actually employed and who are continuously active!

You can choose our company with peace of mind, as the company has good working hours and treatment..

From the first day's guidance, we are proud to be the largest in the world.Hilton Hoteland many hotels in Japan and overseas.Prince Hotel, handles high-class French cuisine known as Grand Maison.Hiramatsu Co., Ltd.We had participation from top companies in the industry such as 🎗

Online guidance will continue for about a week from now 🗣

Our school provides ample employment support, including internships, post-graduation employment support, and business start-up support.

One of the characteristics of our school is that we have a small class size and solid employment support!

Please come to our school's open campus for more details!

If you are interested, check here ↓↓↓↓↓

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[Tokyo Yamate Cooking College]

158-0081-8 Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 19-19

[Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College]

150-0044 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 28-5

Japanese food Western food Chinese food

Confectionery Cafe Chocolatier Bakery bridalvocational school of

[Enrollment General Information]
