Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College




Cheesecake specialty store

Hello everyone 😃

AlwaysYAMANOTEThank you for visiting my blog! !

The second year of confectionery is called sales training.General customers sell cakes to

We will do a lot of practical training!

This time we sold at a cheesecake specialty store 😖

We devised an original recipe and made several prototypes by the day of the sale.

I struggled with changing the formulation and design...

We will sell the finished products with lots of advice from the teacher! !

For example,

Instead of using instant coffeePowder freshly ground from beansor use ☟☟

orange1 whole pieceThe cake I used lavishly☟☟

not pureefreshsuch as using passion fruit ☟☟☟

ingredients"Luxurious and abundant"Use and sell! !

Once all the cakes are completed, they will be displayed in stores!

Many customers lined up even before we opened, making it a very fruitful training session!

Customers say, "It's always delicious!" and "Please do your best!"live voiceI feel a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment! !

I would like to visit such specialty store sales! For those who say

next timeJuly 12th (Monday)We will open a cheesecake specialty store of a different class, so please come and visit us!

Please note that we are taking measures to prevent coronavirus infection.