Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College




Alumni introduction ① I'm doing my best at an Italian restaurant!

hello everyone!The hot days 🌞 are continuing, but how are you doing ✨❔

Today, I would like to introduce a graduate of YAMANOTE!

Today, we are pleased to present to you Shota Mizumori, who graduated in March 2019 🍴🥩😉





At YAMANOTE, I learned cooking and confectionery with the double license system😋

The place where Mr. Mizumori works is in Minami-Funabashi, in Lalaport.
I work at an Italian restaurant called "PIZZA SALVATORE CUOMO". ✨

The reason why I jumped into the world of cooking is that my family owns a restaurant, and I entered YAMANOTE because I wanted to see what my father and mother were doing.😄

Now I'm in the kitchen and I'm in charge of everything from appetizers to main dishes and desserts⭐

It's amazing to be entrusted with so much in your first year as a professional! !






The kitchen is an open kitchen, so the distance to the customer is very close, and the food can be served immediately.


When I asked him about his dream for the future, he said, "First of all, I'll work hard😄"! !


And..."I want to grow up to be an adult who can do whatever I want to do.😄"

That's a nice comment

How about visiting "PIZZA SALVATORE CUOMO" where Shota works😊

You can spend a wonderful space and time 💓





It was Shota Mizumori, a nice young man with a really refreshing smile✨

*Mr. Shota, please come back to visit YAMANOTE anytime!

All the faculty and staff are waiting for you 😆



[Tokyo Yamate Cooking College]

158-0081-8 Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 19-19

[Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College]

150-0044 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 28-5

Cooking Confectionery Cafe Baking Bridalvocational school of


[Enrollment General Information]
