Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College




Notice of AO Tuition Individual Consultation [Visit to the school/on-line]

Less than a month and a half until the AO entrance exam! !

Therefore, we will hold an individual counseling session for AO entrance examinations and tuition fees.

"What is the content of the AO entrance examination?"
"I want to know about the new study support system"
"How much do you need for tuition?"
An admissions advisor will answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Please join us during this time.


[Consultation with meals] Invitation to student restaurant


(Place of implementation)

🔸 Tokyo Yamate Cooking College (Setagaya)


(Implementation date and time)

April 4th (Sat) 24th (Thu)

May 5st (Sat), 1rd (Mon), 3th (Tue), 4th (Sat), 8nd (Sat), 22th (Sun)


11:00~ / 16:00~


*Students serve a full-course meal at the on-campus restaurant. (Free) We will hold individual consultations before and after that.







[Individual consultation meeting] *Can be selected from on-campus type/online type



(Place of implementation)

🔸 Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College (Shibuya)

🔸 Tokyo Yamate Cooking College (Setagaya)



(Implementation date and time)

One hour every Tuesday and Friday from 10:00 to 19:00

Every Saturday and Sunday 10:00/11:00/17:00/18:00

*Please feel free to contact us on days other than the above.



[Tokyo Yamate Cooking College]

158-0081-8 Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 19-19

[Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College]

150-0044 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 28-5

Japanese cuisine Western cuisine Chinese food

confectionery Café Chocolatier Breadmaking bridalvocational school of

[Enrollment General Information]
