Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College




Interview with graduates ~ Sky Restaurant XNUMX (musashi) (operated by Tobu Hotel Management Co., Ltd.) ~


Hello everyone (^^)/

AlwaysYAMANOTEThank you for visiting my blog! 😊




The other day, I went to an interview with a graduate of our school! !


Tokyo Yamate Culinary College

Cooking General Course2annual system 2020Years3Monthly graduate Mana MitsuhashiMr. 🌸



Sky Restaurant XNUMX (musashi)

KitchenI am in charge of



Sky Restaurant XNUMX (musashi) homepage





Let's start asking questions right away!



Q: [What inspired you to enter the food industry? ]




My family owns a bakery, so I was naturally interested in the food industry.





I think I may have subconsciously admired my parents.My family let me use fire and knives freely, so I felt the joy of making things from a young age!





Ultimately, I wanted to do something that I enjoy doing, so I set my sights on this industry.







Q: [Please tell me how you decided to join the company! ]


I started working part-time at the Tobu Hotel in June of my first year.




I also went to an internship at another company, but there were so many things I could learn from a part-time job, so I wanted to study more here.




My seniors gave me advice and suggestions on my work from various angles regardless of the section, so I had a strong desire to learn more in this environment.











Q: [Please tell us briefly about your work! ]


I am mainly in charge of appetizers now.When I'm busy, I sometimes arrange the main dishes.




In addition, we are preparing for business, preparation, etc.




There are various levels of preparation, such as cutting vegetables and handling fish.








Q: 【What is worth doing? ]


It makes me happy when I hear from the service staff that the customer was happy, or when I see a photo that I think I made on social media.




As time passes, the things I can do increase, and I can see my own growth, so I feel rewarded at such times.









Q:【Is there anything difficult? ]


When I changed from a part-time job to an employee position, I sometimes worried that I was still lacking in technical skills.




It was a bit tough when I felt a gap between the level that was expected of me as an employee and the reality.




Now I think it would be nice to set goals little by little and clear them one by one.











 Q: [Please tell us why you chose YAMANOTE!


First of all, I thought that the teacher was bright and fun!




The decisive factor is the amount of practice.




I had the impression that other schools had more classroom lectures than I expected, but I chose Yamate because the amount of practical training matched what I had imagined.







Q: [YAMANOTEWhat did you learn that helps you now? ]


I've gotten into the habit of not only making things, but also cleaning up the surroundings and tidying up the equipment as I do it, so it's still useful today.




One teacher said, "Don't serve 100 plates, but serve 1 servings."







Q: [It was fun and left an impression.Do you have classes? ]


It is a frank impression that it was all fun.Among them, it was good that I was able to handle rare ingredients in classes such as advanced cooking classes.




Because there was a lot of hands-on training, there were many types of ingredients that I could handle, and I was able to learn even the smallest details, so I was able to work without getting bored!




It was the most difficult to handle slimy ingredients such as eels and conger eels (laughs).








 Q: [Tell us about your future goals! ]


I want to understand what I can do and what I can't do, and I want to step up while improving!




I would like to increase my knowledge and raise my level so that I can communicate more proactively to those around me.




My most recent goal is to make my Teppanyaki debut and have customers enjoy the food I make while talking to them!







Q: [Please give a message to those who are aiming for the food industry! ]


If you really want to do it, don't hesitate to give it a try!





It's a job where you can easily see your abilities, so it's a job where you can feel rewarding every day!





If you want to do it, do it!I think that your own feelings are the most important thing, so I hope everyone will decide their own path according to their own feelings!









This time, we also spoke to Mr. Mitsuhashi's senior, Mr. Fukui!






Q: [How is Mitsuhashi-san at work? ]




I am enthusiastic and very enthusiastic about my work!



Compared to other new recruits, he asks a lot of questions, so I think he has a good influence on those around him!







Q: [What do you expect from Mr. Mitsuhashi in the future? ]



I would like Mr. Mitsuhashi to be more proactive in providing opinions on the menu, etc., in order to expand his original potential!




Instead of teaching juniors from scratch, I expect that I will be able to show them behind my back and behave as a senior who can be a reference for juniors!







Thank you for the interview, Mr. Mitsuhashi and Mr. Fukui! 😊




It was impressive to see Mr. Mitsuhashi happily working in a warm atmosphere🤗
Everyone, please come and try Mitsuhashi-san's cooking 🍴👩‍🍳




Mr. Mitsuhashi, please keep up the good work! 🍰








If you are like Mr. Mitsuhashi, whom we introduced today, and would like to work in a hotel restaurant in the future, open your own restaurant, or pursue a career in food or nutrition, please come join us. Come join us on campus!




We are waiting for you to visit us ☺


Click here for more info!





[Tokyo Yamate Cooking College]

158-0081-8 Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 19-19

[Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College]

150-0044 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 28-5

Japanese cuisine Western cuisine Chinese food

confectionery Café Chocolatier Breadmaking bridalvocational school of

[Enrollment General Information]
