Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College

Halloween Party
icing macarons
[Confectionery] Cute black cat cake

Click here to apply for participation

10/22 (Sun)
11:00 - 15:00
Open campus (school explanation/experience training)

[Confectionery] Take home 20 pieces!Sweets experience training & Halloween wrapping

A must-see for those who like to hand out candy on Halloween!We even wrapped the cute macarons and took them home with us!

【Flow of the day】
School explanation→Experience training→Individual consultation

10/29 (Sun)
11:00 - 15:00
Special (school explanation, hands-on training + buffet)

[Confectionery SP] Cute black cat mousse

Let's practice longed-for glasage!Decorate a mousse cake in the shape of a black cat

【Flow of the day】
School explanation→Experience training→Buffet→Individual consultation

10/29 (Sun)
11:00 - 15:00
Special (school explanation, hands-on training + buffet)

[Western SP] Ghost Pizza 

Cute decorations for Halloween limited to handmade authentic pizza from the dough!

【Flow of the day】
School explanation→Experience training→Buffet→Individual consultation