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Correspondence Course/Lessons

Learn not only how to make it, but also from the basics!Professional
Cooking and confectionery technology and theory
learn at home.


"Tokyo Yamate Culinary College,
Yamate Cooking and Confectionery College,
Osaka Cooking and Confectionery College,
Osaka Cooking and Confectionery College ecole UMEDA
For those who want to go on to higher education,
Actual tuition fee 0 yenYou can receive it at.
(If you go on to a regular course,
exemption from the tuition fee of 7 yen)


Before enrolling in "Tokyo Yamate Culinary College"
By learning basic techniques,
Further improvement of comprehension after admissionTo do.


In schooling
At the forefront of the food industry
Basic review and
Professional on-site technology (Japanese food, confectionery)The
You can learn.

FLOWCourse flow


COURSEAbout the course

The course has 3 steps.
Let's learn carefully at home at your favorite time!

FLOWsample teaching materials

Washoku Correspondence Course Sample Materials
Western confectionery correspondence course sample teaching materials
Washoku Correspondence Course Sample Materials
Western confectionery correspondence course sample teaching materials